A selection of the collaborations that took place from 1970 to 2020:
Organizers, institutions and personal collaborations
Swedish Radio P2 - studio recordings and live recordings at concerts
Swedish Television
YLE - Finnish Radio
The Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
University of Gothenburg - University of Stage and Music
Lunds university
Uppsala university
Church of Sweden - infinite number of concerts not only in Stockholm but throughout Sweden
Fondazione Guido d'Arezzo, Italien - festival
The Royal Court of Justice - concerts at both Stockholm Castle and Drottningholm Castle
New Sweden -88 - five-week tour in the US and Canada
Olympic Arts Festival in Calgary
The stock exchange hall
Historical Museum, Stockholm
The Academy of Fine Arts
Swedish Choir Association
Stockholm Concert Hall
The young choir Aachen, Germany
Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland
Music Museum, Stockholm
Proprius Grammofonbolag
Oslo Academy of Music
Piteå Academy of Music
Aalborg Academy of Music, Denmark
Robert Schumann Academy of Music, Düsseldorf, Germany
Gehrmans Musikförlag
Musica Sveciae
Royal Academy of Music
Ingesund Academy of Music
Bluebell - gramophone company
Örebro Concert Hall
Linköping Concert Hall
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra
Contemporary Music
Swedish Cultural Institute in Paris
Floralège vocal de Tours - festival
International Chorbiennale Aachen
Stockholms Musikgymnasium
Lower Saxony Music Days, Hanover, Germany
The Baltic Sea Festival
Tamperen Sävel, Tampere, Finland
Budapest Academy of Music - Liszt Academy
The National Association of Church Musicians
Footprint - gramophone company